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Parent Guideline – Classic International Public School
  • +91 8197049780
  • Classic International Public School, Beside NH-4, Kelgeri, Dharwad, Karnataka 580007
  • Parent Guideline


    • Read the rules and regulations of the school stated in the diary carefully.
    • All the pages of the student’s personal information are to be duly filled in and signed by the parent.
    • Any change in the student’s personal information should be furnished in writing to the school.
    • All communication should be addressed to the Principal. Please mention the name, roll number, class and section of the child
    • Ensure that your child attends school regularly.
    • Check the assignment books and the diary daily. Note the details and respond to the remarks of the teacher. Duly sign the diary in acknowledgement.
    • A personal Identity Card and will be issued to every student. Students must wear the personal ID card everyday to school. On loss of the ID Cards, a duplicate will be issued on a payment of Rs..100 within a fortnight.
    • Attend all the Parent-Teacher Meetings and take interest in the school activities.
    • Do not meet the teachers in the classroom during class hours. In case of an emergency, contact the Principal.
    • Teachers teaching in Classic International are not allowed to take private tuitions for students studying in the school.
    • In case of damage to any school property due to carelessness or negligence of any student, the parent of the concerned student will have to bear the cost of replacement of equipment/property so damaged, individually or collectively.
    • This institution is unaided. To provide better facilities the fee structure is liable to be revised from time to time.
    • While the management is always conscious of taking safety precautions, the parents should understand that there are things that can go wrong even in the best run institutions. Thereby, the parents/guardians should entrust their children/wards with the school staff at their own risk and the management will at time be liable for any mishap or accidents.
    • The rules and regulations as stated in the diary and the practices adopted by the school are subject to change without any prior notice or intimation.
    • The decision of the Management shall be final and binding in all matters.
    • Request for Study Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Bonafide Certificate etc., should be given in writing, which will be issued after a week.
    • The school will not be responsible for students who are in the school premises before and after school working hours.
    • Students who come to school with escorts must not leave the school until the escorts arrive. In case of delay, they may inform the school office.
    • Criticism of teacher in child’s presence should be avoided, as it makes the student lose respect for his/her teacher. If you have a legitimate complaint, please contact the authorities.